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Why does an eyebrow tattoo last less than a tattoo, but why are there eternal micropigmentation?

Why does an eyebrow tattoo last less than a tattoo, but why are there eternal micropigmentation?

Today’s post is a complex post, but it is a subject that is a great unknown, above all, because no matter how much you wonder, they do not give us a convincing answer. Well, after taking time at it, and having investigated, on my own, I have come to this conclusion.

A conclusion with a scientific basis.

Both eyebrow tattoo and tattooing are very similar techniques, because both use machines to deposit, by means of needles, a product (pigmet or ink) in the dermis, so that an ornament, a drawing, camouflage is made … It can have different purposes, but they have a common origin.

But here comes the difference in eyebrow tattoo, what we know as “pigments” are used and what we know as “inks” are used in tattoos.

But what is a pigment? Well, the pigment, as such, is found free in nature. It is a material that changes the color of the light that it reflects, or that it transmits, as a result of the selective absorption of light according to its wavelength.

Pigments are used for dyeing.

The main natural pigments used are of mineral or biological origin.

Pigments produce their colors because they selectively reflect and absorb certain light waves.

Other properties of a color, such as its saturation or its luminosity, can be determined from the other substances that accompany pigments.

Naturally occurring pigments, such as ocher and iron oxides, have been used as colorants since prehistoric times.

Natural mineral pigments come from primitive rocks quarried, dried, crushed and sometimes calcined.

The size of the pigment molecule ranges from 6-15 microns.

And what is the composition of the pigments that we use for eyebrow tattoo? Since pigments, in addition to being derived from iron oxide (a very stable molecule and we find it in nature), need glycerin and alcohol so that they can be fixed in the tissues.

The pigments used for eyebrow tattoo interact with melanin, with blood … that is why the same color is different in two people, and when it is pigmented we always say, “until a minimum period of 3 weeks has passed, the color will not be stable. »

What is ink? Ink is a liquid that contains various pigments and colorants that are used to color a surface in order to create images or texts.

the pigments and colorants of the ink are made from metals, from the shell or covering of different seeds and also from marine animals such as squid or octopus.

Being made up of several elements, they are larger and heavier molecules (this means that they are more stable molecules and that they are more difficult to eliminate).

Being made up of colorants, we have a great variety of colors, and having so many components, they give more allergic reactions.

Its color is invariable, that is, it does not change when mixed with the skin.

After this explanation, in which we already know the difference between the pigments used for eyebrow tattoo and tattoo inks, I will explain why a eyebrow tattoo lasts less.

Although both techniques deposit the element in the dermis, as the tinat molecule is larger, that is, it is larger, because as I have already mentioned it is made up of several elements, it is a more stable molecule, and this makes it more difficult. to delete.

When either a eyebrow tattoo pigment or a tattoo ink is introduced, the body recognises it as a foreign element or foreign body. At that moment, an immune response is triggered towards the foreign body. The immune response is carried out through macrophages that will phagocytose (eat) the foreign substance, to later eliminate it through the immune system (lymph and lymph into the bloodstream) and finally through the urine.

Therefore, a large and heavy molecule will be more difficult to engulf and eliminate.

However, when we find a tattoo that we want to eliminate, when giving the laser, what the laser does is break the ink molecules, favoring the phagocytosis of these molecules and their elimination. That is why when giving the laser (even if a single session is given) that tattoo, as time goes by, it fades.

So, when we find eyebrow tattoo of more than 4 years with a little variable color from the initial one, we must suspect that although a dermograph has been used, it is very likely that mineral and inorganic pigments have not been used, but organic pigments or inks tattoo (larger melecular size).

In conclusion, if we want to avoid allergic reactions, we want something temporary and not very harmful, always choose the pigmentation and in the paramedical and oncological field, do not play with it, use eyebrow tattoo in front of tattoo, for all the previously mentioned, the micro gives less allergic reactions.

In facial, eyebrow tattoo Perth has more advantage over tattoos since the face gradually declines due to aging of the skin, expression wrinkles … and the mere fact that micropigmentation is not “eternal” gives the possibility of evolving with the expression of the face, adapting at each moment to the particular moment of each person.

I hope this information has been useful to you, and that now you know the real difference between micropigmentation and tattooing and why there are fewer colors in micropigmentation. We cannot have a large color chart if we are talking about inorganic and hypo-allegenic mineral pigment.