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When you shouldn’t do cosmetic tattoo

When you shouldn't do cosmetic tattoo

cosmetic tattoo

It is not always possible to perform cosmetic tattoo, since it is worth considering the contraindications to the procedure. Before making an application for the services of a master, you must familiarise yourself with the certain circumstances in which tattooing is not done.

Absolute contraindications for the procedure:

Any oncological diseases.

Acute form of diseases that damage the skin.

Allergic response to the components used, drugs.

Any colds in the active stage.

Blood-borne diseases. For example, AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis and others.

Low blood clotting.

Body temperature is over 37 degrees.

Predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

The presence of alcohol in the blood.



Psychosomatic diseases, epileptic, panic and hysterical seizures, tremors and other neurological pathologies.

Cosmetic injections using hyaluronic acid in the intended area of cosmetic manipulation. After volume-increasing injections, you should refrain from tattooing for at least six months.


The master is not responsible for the fact that you have hidden information about the presence of contraindications to the procedure.