What you need to know about sugaring

How does it differ from waxing, how effective it is and can it be done at home.
Sugaring is an effective and non-traumatic body hair removal procedure using sugar paste. This is an alternative to waxing.
I am a sugaring master. I’ll tell you what you need to know about this technique: how the procedure goes, how to take care of the skin afterwards, and is it possible to do such epilation at home.
What is good about sugaring
Slows down hair growth. If the procedures are carried out regularly, the hair follicle will weaken – because of this, hair growth will slow down, and new hair will become thinner. The main thing is to do sugaring regularly, every three or four weeks.
Doesn’t cause irritation. Epilation with sugar paste allows you to remove hair from hypersensitive areas. The paste contains only three components: water, fructose and glucose, so the risk of allergic reactions and skin irritation is minimal. Even with high skin sensitivity, only slight redness is possible, which quickly passes.
Does not burn the skin. Not all pastes need to be reheated. If necessary, heating the sugar paste is heated to a body temperature – no more than 37 °C, so the likelihood of a burn is excluded.
Improves skin condition. An additional effect of sugaring is soft peeling. After the procedure, the skin becomes soft and silky.
Almost no contraindications. Sugaring is a universal procedure that suits many. Contraindications include only diabetes mellitus, sugar and honey allergies, malignant and benign tumours, varicose veins, deep cuts, wounds, fresh stitches and other skin lesions.
Despite the safety of the procedure, I recommend that you consult with a cosmetologist or dermatologist before it.
Is it possible to do sugaring at home
You can, but not worth it. Of course, from the video on the Internet, it seems that the procedure is very simple. In practice, there are many nuances to consider. For example, pastes come in different densities: ultra-soft is suitable only for bandage technique – the paste is removed with special strips. Medium and dense sugar paste does not require bandages – they work directly with their hands. Sugar pastes of different densities can be mixed with each other and worked in different techniques. If you have no experience with pasta, it’s best not to risk it.
If you are determined to do sugaring at home, it is important to do the first procedures in the salon. It is ideal to complete at least a basic training course in the sugaring technique. This is a good investment, you can save money on a beauty salon.
What determines the sensations during the procedure
It is important to understand that even sugar epilation cannot be completely painless. Yes, when sugaring hair is removed along the growth line, and this provides a more comfortable feeling during the procedure. At the same time, painful sensations largely depend on individual characteristics.
Those with thick and coarse hair are more likely to be in pain. Those who have just given up epilation with a razor also experience pain. Some only hurt in the bikini area. For those with thin hair or a high sensitivity threshold, it hardly hurts.
Comfort during the procedure also depends on the quality of the paste and the skills of the master. This is another argument in favour of a salon procedure: it can be more painful at home.
Different parts of the body have different pain sensations. Most people experience discomfort when epilating the armpits and bikini area. Much depends on the type of hair: people with thick and coarse hair are often hurt
Expert opinion
How to protect your skin from the sun after epilation
How to care for your skin before and after the procedure
To eliminate the likelihood of problems, such as ingrown hairs or irritation, you need to properly care for your skin after the procedure. Sugaring is an alternative to waxing and share some similarities.
So, on the eve of the procedure, it is worth doing a scrubbing. It is better to do it against the growth of hair, as if lifting the hairs. For the procedure to be comfortable, the hair must grow at least 5 mm. For 24 hours after the procedure, you should not sunbathe, go to the sauna and use a washcloth. Do not use deodorant.
Between treatments, you can use special products – for example, various creams and lotions that slow hair growth or prevent ingrown hairs. I often recommend to my clients the emulsion with papaya extract from Kapous epilation – it allows you to slow down hair growth, prevent ingrowth and moisturize the skin.