The truth about ELOS hair removal method

Find out if it’s really bad for your health.
Probably, there is no such girl whom the coming summer would not have made to panic a little. The sun and outdoor swimming season are great, of course. But there are few women who still follow the 80s trend and proudly display their unkempt armpits, legs or bikini area. To be completely honest, shaving in the summer is uncomfortable, as well as using bioepilation. Both of these methods can lead to irritation and ingrown hairs. And this, you see, looks no more attractive than hair.
Let’s look at one of the modern methods of hardware cosmetology – ELOS hair removal, and finally answer the question, is this procedure harmful to health?
The mechanism of action of ELOS hair removal
Why is she removing her hair permanently?
Today ELOS hair removal is one of the most modern procedures. The recent appearance on the market has led to the fact that the method is still regarded with great distrust. The cost of ELOS hair removal does not add advantages and positive reviews – the price for it is still one of the most expensive. For some reason, at such moments, girls at once forget the phrase that one cannot save on their beauty. Of course, this does not mean that, contrary to common sense and the advice of knowledgeable people, one should sign up only for the most expensive procedures, no. But it is also impossible to ignore the fact that the method promises a permanent effect.
ELOS technology combines hair removal with electric current and high-frequency pulse of light, thus making the final procedure not only more effective, but also much more painless. Indeed, most of the clients who have tried ELOS hair removal on themselves write in the reviews that they did not experience any unpleasant sensations during the session. But it should be noted that this fact largely depends on the individual sensitivity threshold. However, many girls find that the pain from wax or sugar cannot be compared to anything else.
Is ELOS hair removal dangerous?
How to properly prepare for the procedure?
Most girls are concerned only with one question: “Is the sensational ELOS technology harmful to health?” Professional masters of salons in Moscow note that ELOS is no more dangerous to health than any other type of hardware cosmetology. In other words, if you follow all the precautions, have no contraindications and have not neglected the rules of preparation for the procedure, then nothing threatens you and your health.
Contraindications to ELOS hair removal:
Diabetes and other diseases that interfere with blood clotting;
Scars, ulcers, rashes, eczema at the site where the procedure will take place;
Hormonal disruptions and diseases that lead to them, for example, polycystic ovary disease;
Severely tanned skin;
Defibrillators, metal implants, piercings;
Exacerbation of infectious diseases;
Pregnancy and lactation.
Of course, a specialist will tell you about all these contraindications when you come to your appointment. Therefore, it is especially important to choose a good salon in Perth.
A few tips to help you prepare for ELOS hair removal correctly:
Avoid excessive sun exposure 2 weeks before the procedure;
2 weeks before the procedure, as well as between them, experts advise removing hair in the treated area with a razor only;
If you approach such complex procedures as ELOS hair removal wisely, then you will not be afraid of any consequences. Modern technologies work for the good, and among their capabilities it is difficult to mention those that are harmful to health.