The details of the eyebrow tattoo removal process.

Permanent makeup is now gaining popularity. For example, the tattoo eyebrow allows you to always look bright and not depend on cosmetics. Girls who want to make their eyebrows thicker and darker visually often resort to this procedure. However, sometimes the result does not meet expectations and requires pigment removal, which is usually done with a laser. If you are thinking about how to get rid of the tattoo, it is worth considering all the nuances of this procedure.
In the process of applying a tattoo, a highly dispersed pigment is injected under the skin, thanks to which the eyebrows get a bright color and clear contours. Depending on various factors, such a pigment can last from 1 year to 10 years. However, there are ways to artificially remove the tattoo. This procedure can be performed with a neodymium laser or with a remote control.
The first method consists of irradiating the skin on which the tattoo was made. , so the paint in the deep layers of the skin is divided and excreted. Sometimes they do it even at home, because the procedure consists of normal injections, but it is better to entrust their beauty to specialists. The second method involves chemical exposure, and the procedure is similar to applying pigment, but this time a special substance is injected under the skin to help remove the dye. Chemical removal is an inexpensive and effective service, but the healing process can take up to six months, and the unfair work of a specialist can lead to serious complications.
The most commonly practiced now is eyebrow tattoo removal.
A laser beam without direct contact with soft tissues destroys the capsules of pepper under the skin, and then the body’s lymphatic system removes them completely within a few weeks.
The use of a laser has the following characteristics:
Removing the eyebrow tattoo generally requires 3 to 4 sessions, in contrast to removing chemicals, so it is enough to submit a test once. The break between sessions is usually a few weeks.
The cost of laser removal is relatively high.
The laser does not display warm shades of color. It only affects cool shades: the capsules of blue, green, purple, black and gray are divided. Yellow, red and orange pigments, on the other hand, can darken under the influence of lasers. You should consult a specialist to decide if you want to remove pigments with your spectrum in this way.
Already a few weeks after the complete removal of pigment from the skin layers, you can apply a new permanent makeup; This may be necessary for those who did the first unsuccessful procedure and wish to correct the tattoo.
Despite the fact that in order to completely remove the pigment, you need to visit the clinic several times, you will notice the first results after just one session – the pigment will become much lighter.

The procedure lasts only 5-15 minutes.
The use of a laser, unlike the rest, is impossible at home: it is a high-tech procedure that requires the participation of a specialist.
Immediately after laser exposure, swelling, small bruises, and a thin crust covering the eyebrows may appear.Categorically, it cannot interfere with the healing process: wait until the crust disappears on its own; otherwise, there is a risk of infection and avoid restoring the skin, which threatens the formation of eyebrow scars.
The hair on the eyebrows brightens after the removal of the tattoo, but this is a temporary effect. For a while, you can tint your eyebrows with regular pencils and mascara, as it is harmless.
Laser exposure stimulates hair growth, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your natural brows.
Clinics claim that the procedure is painless, but many clients find the effect of the laser extremely unpleasant. However, the introduction of a maneuver under the skin is considered more painful.
Indications and contraindications.
Any medical intervention, even cosmetology, does not pass through the body without a trace. Before deciding on laser extraction, review the list of contraindications to the procedure and, if necessary, consult with a specialist in advance.
Removal of permanent makeup by laser is not recommended in the following cases:
Inflammatory processes and various skin diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema and fungal lesions, are the first and most important contraindication to the procedure: the laser will unpredictably affect the course of the disease and can aggravate unpleasant symptoms.
In pregnancy, any unnecessary medical intervention is undesirable, especially as serious as laser exposure. It is also better to postpone withdrawal at the time of breastfeeding.
The presence of scars on the skin is also a contraindication for the procedure.
Clinics do not typically perform laser extraction for minors.
A fresh tan is undesirable before applying a laser: if you are very tanned in the sun or in a tanning salon, you should wait at least a week and then plan the procedure in the clinic.
Serious heart problems may be contraindicated: depending on your current state of health, doctors decide whether or not laser extraction is possible.
Tumors of the skin, such as moles, papillomas and warts, in no case can not be treated with lasers, which can lead to serious complications.
Disruption of the endocrine system can also cause the inability to remove permanent makeup with a laser.
If you are allergic to sunlight, you should also refuse this method of removal.
For epilepsy, the procedure is not done.
Colds and flu can also be a contraindication due to a general decrease in immunity.
Problems with blood clotting make the procedure undesirable.
Tattoo aesthetic flaws are often indications to use a laser for removal: perhaps the permanent makeup looked too bright and unnatural, a failed brow curve and thickness was chosen, or the master made a mistake during work. In very rare cases, complications after the introduction of pigments and associated health problems can become an indication for removal, in each case the doctor offers the client an individual solution. If you are considering laser or chemical removal, you should be aware that the indications for these two methods are absolutely similar.
Laser removal imposes even more restrictions than the use of a maneuver, as it is hypoallergenic and is not associated with thermal effects. However, the duration of the procedure, the long recovery period, pain and discomfort make clients in clinics turn to laser extraction more often.
The main thing is to take into account all contraindications and consult with a good specialist.
Preparation for the procedure.
The key to successful tattoo removal and quick and comfortable skin recovery is proper preparation for the session. Specific recommendations, depending on your health condition and skin characteristics, should be obtained from a doctor beforehand.
This should take into account a number of general points:
If possible, in the last days before the planned procedure, it is recommended to exclude or minimize the exposure of ultraviolet radiation to the skin. When removing the tattoo on the eyebrows, this can be problematic, but you can try wearing oversized sunglasses or hats with a visor. Especially sunbathing before the procedure is simply not worth it. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation will make the skin drier and therefore more sensitive to the laser; This will affect the pain of the procedure, as well as the condition of the skin after the procedure and the duration of the healing of the eyebrow.
If you are taking medications that affect the skin, it is better to temporarily abandon their use. It is best to talk to your doctor not only about the state of your health, but also about the pills you take regularly; it may be best not to take certain substances before the procedure.
If you smoke, doctors strongly recommend reducing the dose of nicotine used before the procedure.
Make sure the skin does not have minor wounds and damages. In particular, plucking your eyebrows a couple of days before the planned permanent makeup removal, too, shouldn’t be.
Before proceeding with laser removal, the doctor should treat the skin with an antiseptic or a special disinfectant solution. Special dark glasses are used to protect the patient’s eyes from rays. The laser is individually configured for each client, depending on the characteristics of the skin, the depth of the pigment and its shade.
How to eliminate?
Since it is not always possible to accurately determine the depth of the pigment and the sensitivity of the skin, the first pigment removal session is a test. Usually it does not last long, and then you need to evaluate the results: healing should take place within a week, and the color of the tattoo should be noticeably lighter. In the case of a positive effect, the doctor will use the same laser system settings for all sessions and, if you have any complaints, the settings will be adjusted.
To remove the old tint from the skin, the doctor directs the laser beam at the area of the skin with permanent makeup. By slightly changing the installation support and moving the beam, the specialist sequentially treats the entire brow area with a laser, allowing further color reduction. With long intervals of time, several sessions are planned to completely remove the unwanted color.
Laser pigment removal is quite comfortable, although the sensations of the procedure are subjective, individual, and sometimes unpredictable. Some patients have no problems with tingling and burning, and others associate it with severe pain. Regardless, laser removal is considered gentler compared to introducing a chemical remover under the skin. After exposure to the laser eyebrow, cooling gel is applied, which allows you to remove unpleasant sensations.
Also, for a successful result, it is important only to take care of the eyebrows and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.
Watch out
Immediately after a short procedure, you can leave the clinic, since eyebrow care after laser removal of permanent makeup is done at home. The main recommendation that doctors give is not to interfere with the natural healing process of the skin. It is not necessary to touch the eyebrows after the procedure: swelling, bruising, sores and a scab may appear, but all this is completely normal as a result of exposure to laser rays.
If you try to remove the crust from the forehead by yourself, without waiting for it to come off on its own, it is very likely that scars will form that will not be easy to get rid of.
Additionally, the following recommendations are worth considering:
If the inflammation was not removed on the first day after removal, it can be removed with the help of medications. For example, Suprastin ordinary or Tavegil often cope with this.
Pain relievers may also help you in the first few days after the procedure. You can take whatever pill you are used to: “Nimesil”, “Nurofen”, “Ketorol” and others.
The bark in the first days can not only be torn off, but also wet. Be careful when washing and showering.
The doctor may recommend a special cream for the treatment of damaged areas, but it should be applied according to the recommendations.
In the next week after the procedure, you will have to refuse to visit the bathroom, sauna and pool; Excessive humidity and high temperature can slow down the post-laser wound healing process.
Within a month after removal, you need to refuse to visit a tanning salon and do not abuse tanning in the sun – the skin after exposure is very sensitive.
In the healing process, in no case can you apply a peel to the laser-treated areas, and it is also not necessary to use lightening agents.
If the pain and swelling do not subside for several days, if the bark does not shed for a long time, or if you have accidentally damaged it, you should contact your doctor for further recommendations.
Despite the fact that the effects of the procedure are quite tangible and many rules must be followed, generally the process of caring for the eyebrows after extraction does not cause discomfort. Especially important is the process of formation of the bark and its harvesting. After that, you can even fully enjoy the usual makeup: applying the foundation, drawing the eyebrows with pencil and mascara. The main thing is to thoroughly wash all cosmetics, do not forget about moisturizers.
Among the procedures, proper daily skin care is very important for it to be healthy: the excessive traumatic effect of a laser can, in the absence of a laser, cause peeling or acne, and you can only repeat the session on healthy skin.
Reviews (2)
Some clients are completely satisfied with the procedure, while others complain of severe discomfort or an aesthetically poor result. In many ways, the results of the extraction will depend on the characteristics of your skin and individual sensitivity, as well as the clinic and the qualifications of the treating physician. Do not try to save on this procedure, if you value your own beauty.
There are not so many ways to remove unwanted permanent makeup, which is why many people decide to remove them with a laser even without reading the reviews of the procedure. However, it is better to take into account the opinion of those who have tried this method of getting rid of the tattoo, and only then make a decision.
Most women are quite removed with lasers.
For those customers who leave negative feedback, please note the following points:
Unpleasant feelings during the procedure repel many. Despite the fact that in clinics this procedure is presented as painless, in fact, there is a tingling and burning sensation, which is perceived by all women subjectively. Laser removal of anesthesia is not performed: the administration of the drug distorts the tension of the skin and makes it impossible to carry out such a scrupulous quality operation. Owners of low pain thresholds should be careful: try to go to the procedure with a good emotional attitude and consult your doctor about taking pain relievers.
The high cost of laser removal is another unpleasant moment that repels many, however chemical removal is a bit cheaper and there are no cost-effective ways to get rid of the tattoo. The specific price of the procedure varies in different clinics, but you don’t have to choose who to contact based on the low price. You may find poor quality service and laser irradiation is serious enough intervention that you put your own beauty and health at risk. It is better to choose a proven clinic with a long work history, a large customer base, and good recommendations.
Some clients complain of an unsightly appearance after the procedure. In fact, bruising, swelling and a scab covering the eyebrows are inevitable consequences, and you will encounter them more than once if you plan to completely remove the pigment in several sessions. You need to plan your schedule in advance: if there are important public appearances waiting for you, it should be 4-5 days after laser color removal – then the bark will already be ready, and you can use decorative cosmetics.
In positive feedback on the procedure, note the following:
The laser removes pigment quickly and efficiently. After the first session, your brows will look much lighter. If we compare this with chemical removal, the speed of permanent makeup removal with a laser cannot be compared to a remover: a substance injected under the skin gradually breaks the tint capsules over several weeks. The laser also provides an instant effect, which is why it is used even in the most critical situations, for example, in the case of a poor-quality tattoo, when you quickly need to return your appearance to normal.
The recovery period after laser intervention is relatively short: after a few days there will be no defects in appearance and health will be good. Eyebrow pain, swelling, and sores go away within a week. In this case, the recovery period after the use of remission can last several months and requires periodic observation by a doctor. Skin care after laser exposure is minimal, and after a month you can completely forget about any limitations.
The impact of the laser is considered mild and non-traumatic because there is no direct contact with the skin. Side effects also occur very rarely, and are mainly associated with improper care. If you allow your brows to heal without interference, your skin will remain perfectly smooth and beautiful.