Powder Brow or Ombre eyebrow tattoo

Powder Brow or Ombre eyebrow tattoo will help to solve several issues at once. The procedure perfectly corrects their shape, visually adds density to them and makes the colour more saturated and fresh. The brows look natural and natural.
Features of the procedure
Powder Brow or Ombre eyebrow tattoo provides for a special technique and requires high skill of a specialist. Before the procedure, the master, together with the client, selects the optimal shape and colour of the eyebrows, taking into account the proportions of the face and the skin tone. After a mutual solution of this issue, the pigment is driven under the skin to a depth of about 1 mm along the previously drawn contour with special needles.
The tattoo technique combines two well-known methods – shots and the hair method. The procedure completely eliminates the problems associated with the following characteristics:
hair grows unevenly and therefore does not have a clear shape;
thick eyebrows of regular shape, but faded;
asymmetrical eyebrow shape;
rare expressionless eyebrows.
For powder Brow or Ombre eyebrow tattoo, natural pigments are used that do not cause allergic reactions and retain their brightness for one year. The effect of the treatment may last longer depending on the skin type and the quality of the pigment.
Method advantages
Powder Brow or Ombre eyebrow tattoo is completely safe and has no special contraindications. The main advantages of the method are as follows:
Use of disposable tools and quality materials;
the procedure is painless, since the needle does not penetrate to a great depth;
short rehabilitation period;
long-term result from one year;
eyebrows are as natural, expressive and attractive as possible;
makeup is not washed off and does not leave marks on clothes;
affordable cost.
When preparing for the procedure, it is worth giving up alcoholic beverages, spicy fried foods, strong coffee and tea, blood thinners. To avoid allergic reactions, you can drink antihistamines for several days. Contraindications for cosmetic tattooing are pregnancy and lactation, critical days, inflammatory skin diseases and low immunity.
Post-procedure care
After Powder Brow or Ombre eyebrow tattoo, you should refrain from visiting baths, saunas, gyms, as well as from performing any other cosmetic procedures. The recovery period depends on the characteristics of the organism and lasts no more than one week.
After the procedure, slight swelling and redness in the eyebrow area and a brighter shade of paint are possible. Over time, these signs will completely disappear and the eyebrows will take on a more muted tint. During the healing process, crusts form at the points of entry of the needle, which will fall off by themselves and should not be touched. For faster rehabilitation, you can apply special products that the master will advise.