Permanent makeup: what you need to know about it?

Makeup in the form of a lip or eyebrow tattoo does not need to be washed off at night. And also – apply again early in the morning. Permanent makeup lasts from several months to several years. We will tell you more about this procedure and show the results in the photo.
Permanent makeup: what is it?
Permanent makeup is, one might say, a make-up-tattoo: during a special cosmetic procedure, pigment is “laid” in the upper layers of the skin – as a result, a kind of indelible makeup is formed on the face.
Beauty trends are constantly replacing each other, but which eye makeup is right for you? A short test will help you figure it out.
Over time, as the skin renews, it will fade, but this will happen very slowly: in some cases, the effect lasts up to five or six years. This is both a big plus (saving time on the morning makeup) and an undoubted minus of permanent makeup: an unsuccessful result cannot be washed off with micellar water, but a successful one can get bored, the fashion for it will pass. Therefore, before the procedure, you will have to carefully weigh the pros and cons.
All types of permanent makeup are different. For example, tattoo arrows are considered a more practical solution than permanent eyebrows. What do beauticians offer?
The difference between permanent makeup and tattooing
In essence, tattooing is precisely the very procedure for creating permanent makeup. But many do not know about the differences between tattooing and tattoos, which creates confusion.
Tattoos are forever: they are usually brought together with great difficulty. The thing is that in the process of creating a tattoo, special chemical alcohol-based pigments with large colouring particles are used, which penetrate deep into the skin and are fixed at a depth of 1-1.5 mm, forming a kind of capsule with colour.
During tattooing, micropigmentation occurs at a level of approximately 0.5 mm from the skin surface. This is the reason why creating permanent makeup is less painful than working on a tattoo. Another thing is that very sensitive areas of the skin are processed in the process: lips, eyelids, eyebrows. The basis of many dyes for tattooing is glycerine. Thanks to this, the procedure is less traumatic: glycerine dissolves in the tissues.
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Pros and cons of permanent makeup
It is not just that hundreds, thousands of girls decide on permanent makeup. It helps them out a lot in everyday life. The procedure has its obvious advantages:
1. Practicality
Thanks to permanent makeup, you can refuse many types of cosmetics and no longer spend half a morning drawing arrows, tinting lips. You don’t have to wash off the makeup either – this saves time even more.
2. Persistence
The result after a visit to the beautician lasts 2-3 years. It will take only a few trips to the salon for correction.
3. the beauty
A well-done permanent makeup looks natural and enhances natural beauty: eyebrows appear thicker, lips appear fuller, eye contours are sharper.
But there is also a great risk of getting a low-quality tattoo. Much depends on the master – you need to look for good ones by studying recommendations, examples of work, information about education. There are other downsides as well. For example, the pigment may not “behave” under the skin as you would like. It so happens that fabrics react to the dye in an atypical way and the colour ends up being defective. In this case, the durability of the tattoo turns into a minus – the unsuccessful result cannot be erased. In addition, it will take time, additional expenses will be needed to remove the pigment.
The downside is that permanent makeup is not a procedure for everyone. She has contraindications. It should not be carried out in case of inflammatory diseases, diabetes mellitus, blood clotting problems. Pregnancy and lactation, the recovery period after operations (less than 7 months) can also become an obstacle to tattooing. If there are scars, moles and various neoplasms (warts, papillomas) in the place where the tattoo is planned to be done, they will not undertake the procedure either.
The list of contraindications is quite large, so it is worthwhile to separately consult with a specialist and find out whether it is possible to do permanent makeup specifically in your case.
Permanent makeup as a cosmetic procedure
Painted lips with a well-defined contour every day – this is the result that is obtained after a high-quality tattoo. But you should not do it because it allows you not to paint your lips with lipstick again. This procedure is intended rather for those who need to correct the shape of the lips, giving them more volume or definition of a blurred contour. In short, tattooing allows you to correct natural imperfections.
How does this happen? Using an apparatus with a needle, the master injects the dye into the skin to a depth of 0.3 to 0.5 mm. Depending on your needs, you can either work out only the contour, or fill the entire surface of the lips with colour. Such a tattoo lasts from four to six years. But there is a risk in any case: the pigment manifests itself in different ways on the skin, and therefore even very experienced craftsmen cannot predict the result one hundred percent.
And a failed procedure can give spreading pigment on different parts of the lips and result in many other troubles. Moreover, it is not easy to eliminate them. Therefore, permanent lip makeup is recommended only to combat blemishes.
Tinted eyebrows of a neat, beautiful shape twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week – this is what, ideally, should be after this procedure. In fact, everything turns out not quite like that: the device with which the tattoo is done leaves behind solid lines that create eyebrows, as if drawn with a marker. This result lasts for two or three years. In most cases, it looks unnatural and even vulgar – especially because too often the masters select dark pigment for clients for tattooing that does not match their hair colour.
Hence, so many blondes with black eyebrows are an example of an unsuccessful visit to the master. Take a note: a much more practical solution for those who do not want to draw up their eyebrows with a pencil every morning is microblading.
Tattoo arrows in most cases turn out to be successful. In 15-20 minutes (this is how long the procedure lasts when working with eyes), you can get either arrows, or eyeliner, or filling the space between the eyelashes.
The latter, by the way, will provide the most natural result – the eyes will appear slightly tinted, and the eyelashes will become visually thicker.
If you choose which arrows to draw, we recommend very thin ones, and they should be located as close as possible to the lash line. This will become an option for every day. And for evening makeup, the “permanent arrow” can be made thicker, longer and brighter. By the way, permanent hands are kept for up to ten years.
Few people know that with the help of permanent makeup, you can create the effect of a concealer applied to the skin. This is especially true for those who are tired of masking dark circles under the eyes every morning, first with a “foundation”, then with a corrector, then with powder. In the salon, the master selects a dye that will slightly lighten the skin under the eyes – and thereby remove the “blue”.
The bruises, however, will remain on the skin for about a week after the tattoo procedure (moreover, serious, noticeable, as if after a fight), but then you will find a fresh and vigorous look for a long time without a hint of dark circles, and with them fatigue. Be very careful with this procedure. The skin under the eyes is extremely sensitive, so be very serious about choosing a master.
Front sight
Tattooing can also be used to add a mole on your face. For example, in the spirit of Marilyn Monroe. Many people copy it with a pencil or eyeliner, but during the day, a fake mole can wear off if it is frequently touched in this area. Tattooing in this case will be a way out of the situation.