Pain during a tattoo session

The question that almost every tattoo client asks: “Will it hurt?” And “What does the pain look like during tattooing?” Summing up the personal experience of our masters and guests of the studio, we will tell you what you should be ready for when planning a tattoo.
And so, let’s start with the fact that the sensations during and after tattooing are purely individual and depend on such factors:
Pain threshold;
part of the body on which the tattoo is done;
colour or black and white tattoo;
the duration of the session;
the state of the nervous system during a tattoo session;
attitude to pain;
the power of desire to get a tattoo;
hormonal background;
and even the phase of the menstrual cycle in women.
So does the tattoo hurt or not?
Based on the above, it is impossible to say unequivocally that by tattooing this area, you will feel “this” and “this”. But we will still try to outline for you a list of sensations that you may encounter during the session and after it.
During the session:
The work of a tattoo machine on the skin resembles multiple and non-stop injections during blood sampling.
In some, especially delicate parts of the skin (chest, ribs, near the armpit, inner thigh, neck), the sensations are similar to long and monotonous cuts with something thin.
It is also worth noting that usually the first 10-15 minutes of the session are felt especially acutely. Then you get used to the sensations, and if you manage to get distracted, you can completely forget about the discomfort. The soreness increases during long sessions, again from about 5 hours of work. This is the average figure for all the nervous systems that we have encountered. It can vary greatly from case to case. It so happens that getting a tattoo does not hurt from start to finish. Furthermore, it happens that pain is felt all the time, but these are extremely rare cases.
Is there any pain after a tattoo session?
We are often asked if the tattoo site will hurt during healing. The answer is not straightforward. For some, all the discomfort ends when the tattoo machine turns off. But there are times when a client can feel and observe such unpleasant consequences for several days after the session:
Burning sensation of tattooed skin;
redness and swelling of the tattoo area;
temperature (on the day of the session);
temperature (on the day of the session).
These consequences are considered a variant of the norm and do not need additional care. The only recommendation from us is, if you are prone to puffiness and your tattoo is in a prominent place, schedule a session before the weekend. So you can stay at home for the entire uncomfortable period.
As you can see, there is a wide range of sensations from tattooing. The most frequent comment we hear at the end of a session is, “Is that all?” Often, the pain caused by a tattoo machine is acceptable and everyone tolerates it calmly, even during hours of sessions. No one has escaped yet, and the feeling that this is done once for a tattoo that will adorn you forever make the process much easier to perceive.
If you are interested in learning more about the most painful places for a tattoo and how to minimise the discomfort from using a tattoo machine, read our previous article “Does it hurt to get a tattoo?”.
There are quite a few people who want to have a tattoo, but only the most courageous decide to take this step. Firstly, the picture on the body remains for life, and secondly, the process seems to be sick, so much give up their dreams. So what is the real situation? Is the process of drawing on the body really painful?
If the thought of injections or any other painful sensations makes you shiver, it will be difficult to control yourself. But if you choose an area where the process of application itself will not be visible to you, then the feeling of fear will decrease. The needle moves up and down, pushing the paint slightly deeper than the surface of the skin. The harm from this is quite insignificant, some clients do not even bleed. Severe bleeding can occur if you take aspirin or drink alcohol before the process.
Does getting a tattoo hurt or not?
It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. It all depends on the pain threshold of a person. If for someone the process of tattooing seems to be the most terrible pain in the world, then for someone it is just a minor tingling sensation.
The needle does not penetrate deeply into the skin. In a second, she manages to make up to 15 injections. Speed in this case is very important, if the needle moves faster, it will begin to pierce the skin. Our skin has three layers: epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis has the property of constant renewal, a needle with paint must penetrate into the dermis for the tattoo to become permanent.
The place on the body, the duration of the process, and the skill of the tattoo artist also affect the pain.
The most painful place to get a tattoo
The most painless places for a tattoo are the inner side of the wrist and the upper part of the shoulder. The wrist is a very popular spot for drawing. Moreover, both boys and girls choose him. Small pictures or calligraphic letters look great in this area.
Calves, thighs and ankles are also not very sensitive, as they have a good muscle layer.
The back is a paradise for an artist. There is where to accelerate and paint the whole picture. Moreover, it is not the most sensitive part of the body. Therefore, if you want to make a large drawing, choose the back for it.
The pain begins to be felt on the neck and inner side of the forearm, as these are soft and sensitive areas of the body. The neck area is chosen by many clients, even in spite of severe pain.
But places like the knee or elbow are the most inappropriate for a tattoo. The drawing is applied directly to the bone, and you feel the vibration not only of this bone, but also of the neighbouring one. Therefore, beautiful inscriptions on the feet are very painful. The area of the abdomen, armpits and ribs is the most sensitive. Getting tattoos in these places is the most painful of all.
How to make the process less painful
But everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance. The process of getting a tattoo can be more enjoyable if:
eat one hour before the session;
drink water before and during the process, this will make it possible to eliminate dehydration;
think over the clothes in which you will go, it should be comfortable so that the master can easily get to the part of the body on which the drawing will be;
if the session is scheduled for the first half of the day, sleep well, postpone parties until the morning;
have an anesthetic such as Nurofen or Spazmolgon with you so that the drug does not contain aspirin;
you can stock up on candies, they will help distract and save energy;
take a shower before going to the salon, but do not get carried away by perfume;
the day before the process, you can not drink alcohol, it thins the blood and affects its coagulability;
on the day of the session, you can drink only one cup of coffee;
give up the tattoo if you are not sure about the drawing;
be sure of the sterility of the workplace and tools;
reschedule the session if you have a cold;
girls are not recommended applying a tattoo during menstruation;
you should not take a lot of people with you for support, one person will be quite enough, because strangers can distract or simply annoy the master;
do not get hung up on pain, it goes away very quickly;
if you can no longer endure the pain, ask the master to stop the session;
trust your tattoo artist.
During the procedure tattoo Perth, pain begins due to the penetration of paint into the skin. After the end of the session, severe pain should go away, but for a few more days, unpleasant feelings may accompany you. If after a week, the pain persists and the tattooed area is red, see your doctor. Make sure it’s not an allergic reaction or infection. Take appropriate action immediately if necessary.
And do not forget about the most important thing – after drawing a drawing, you need special care for it.