Most Common Eyelash Lift Procedure Problems and Mistakes One Can Make

Time and time again we are faced with the same recurring problems in the eyelash lift procedure in our daily work. Here I am going to explain how to avoid these problems. Hi, my name is Simone and I run an eyelash studio in Chemnitz specialising in eyelash extensions and lifting. We are a certified lash studio for 12 years and have extensive experience using the standard products available.
Problem no. 1: The rising glue does not hold?
These are the most common reasons why lifting glues lack holding ability:
Eyelash lifting glue quality: pay attention to the quality of the glue; Chinese products should be avoided.
Inadequate pre-cleaning: If the lashes are not cleaned well or if oil-based cleaners are used for the lashes, the adhesive capacity of the lifting glue is reduced.
Primer: After pre-cleaning, lashes should be sprayed with primer again or a cleanser to remove all traces of residual oil film. Since this directly affects the process of fixing the eyelashes on the silicone pad. This often leads to excessive application of the lifting glue, which adversely affects the effectiveness of the lotions applied afterward. The first of XXL Lashes is an ideal agent for cleaning and degreasing.
Lashes Not Completely Dry – Wet lashes require a lot of lifting glue for optimal holding ability. Therefore, make sure the lashes are completely dry before starting the application. An air blower can be helpful for this.
Very high humidity: while high humidity is welcome in a process of eyelash extension, is exactly the opposite with the lifting tabs. High humidity is also the reason why the lifting glue does not dry completely and when applying the first lotion some of the already attached lashes come off the silicone pad. This should be avoided, as it prevents the unmade lashes from setting evenly with the rest in the application process. Use a hygrometer to check the humidity in the room, we advise you to use a dehumidifier if it exceeds 55%.
C value: The consistency of the rising glue changes in excessively hot study spaces. It becomes more liquid. Remember therefore to keep it in a cool place.
Clean Silicone Pads – Clean and squeaky silicone pads are a prerequisite for proper adhesion. Always clean them in hot water before application.
Old glue loses its adhesive quality. Therefore, check the expiration date of your lifting glue in time before the scheduled application session.
Problem no. 2: Use excess lifting glue
If excess glue is used to put on the lashes, then they “seal”. Lotions used afterward cannot properly penetrate the lash hair structure and absorption is not sufficient to achieve an ideal lash lift.
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Problem no. 3: Wrong choice of silicone pads
The right size for silicone pads is one that covers the entire length of the eyelid well and can accommodate all lashes, even the outer ones. Only in this way can the eyelashes be formed uniformly.
The curvature of the silicone pads should correspond to the length of the tabs so that the tabs do not rest straight on the pad, as illustrated in this example on the left, but allow a good vertical sweep.
Size S is the most problematic size of the silicone pad. Many lash stylists think that they will get the best curl from silicone pads of this size. However, this is not usually the case; in fact what can happen is that there is no lifting effect unless, of course, the lashes are very short. The shallow curl does nothing more than smooth and stretches the lashes and does not create a full curl.
Problem no. 4: Eyelashes intersect
That can be the case equally BEFORE and AFTER the application. Natural eyelashes that curve unevenly, crossing in different directions, are very difficult to work with. However, it offers the customer the opportunity to discern the effects of the application. While lifting the lashes upwards, if they are very carefully placed one after the other on the pad, parallel to each other, the lashes will maintain this parallel position after the lifting procedure. Under no circumstances should the eyelashes be crisscrossed on the pad; They must be parallel to each other, or they will be deformed after the lifting procedure. That doesn’t look good at all, worse yet, they slant more and more to the side once the lashes start to grow out.
Problem no. 5: Calibrate the exposure time during lash lift procedure at will
Read the instructions on the container carefully before each application, as each brand has an individual exposure time based on the lotions and their chemical processes.
If you prefer to work at a leisurely pace and have no time restrictions for a session, you can use products with a 10-15 minute exposure time such as Dolly Lash Lifting.
As professionals, we look at lash lifting brands that offer short exposure times of 2-5 minutes, as in the case of Super Lash Lifting by XXL Lashes. The Super Lash Lift Kit is currently the best option for lash lifting.
Problem no. 6: When eyelashes get chemical burns from lifting eyelashes
Hair structure that appears wavy or “charred” is indicative of this form of damage. It comes from the excessive use of permanent lotion or the upper and finer part of the lash tips being subjected to an excessively long exposure time. Prevent this by following the instructions below:
The most common mistake made is ignoring the recommended exposure time. Using your discretion, in this case, is totally inappropriate as this, most of the time, severely damages the lashes or even causes chemical burns.
Between each step, the lotion used before has to be removed first. You should be careful to remove it carefully before applying the next lotion. If they mix, it will trigger an undesirable chemical process that will later cause the tips of the lashes to crimp.
Avoid applying too much lotion as it “creeps” off the tips during the exposure time. Even if it’s not apparent to the naked eye, it may be that the lotion has seeped into the ends from the heat and triggered the lifting effect there as well.
You have to be more careful when working with thin eyelashes since lotions react much faster in this case. Even when it comes to the amount of liquid applied, the “better less than more” maxim applies to reduce exposure to chemicals.
It is very important to clean your lashes thoroughly with a cleansing lotion after the lifting procedure. Only by washing them thoroughly can you remove and avoid all chemicals that can react with heat, sun, sauna, or solarium to trigger or continue other uncontrollable chemical reactions.
Problem no. 7: No notes were made on the application procedure
We hope your customers remain loyal to you and come back. You should follow the tips mentioned below to get the best results, also on repeat visits:
Take lots of notes on the sequence of action taken for the lash lift procedure for each client, especially how much lotion was applied and the exposure time.
Also, make a note for yourself of how successful the result was. I suggest you take before and after photos.
Ask your client in the next lifting session if there are any changes in health conditions, for example, if there are changes in medication intake, as such changes in living conditions can have an impact on the outcome of the follow-up survey procedures. Make a note of this information.
If you notice that the client still has too many baby lashes in the follow-up lift session, postpone the session to a later date to avoid wrinkling (chemical burn) of many of the baby lashes.
Monitor eyelash growth. How far along was the client’s lash growth cycle in the follow-up session? Is 6-8 weeks enough, or can the following lash lift procedure be done only after 10-12 weeks?
TIP: Colour the tabs thereafter
We advise you to colour your lashes after the lash lift procedure with this brow and lash colour for two reasons. Firstly, this visually enhances the lash lifting effect and secondly, it helps loosen the lashes from the silicone pads.
Lash lift is a preferred alternative among lash extension methods and lasts about 6-8 weeks. I have acquired many new clients by offering this service and have increased my profits. Due to the short exposure time of XXL Lashes eyelash lifting lotions, the complete application can be done in less than 30 minutes. This reduction in application time leads to greater cost efficiency, which is music to the ears for both clients and aestheticians.
The process of establishing crisscross lash growth in clear parallels has been a resounding success in this lash lift example.