How we should take care of the eyebrows after microblading

When it comes to caring for our eyebrows, the microblading eyebrow tattoo technique alone is not enough. In fact, after microblanding it is important to follow certain health and hygiene standards, in which skin hydration stands out as the main rule.
With this in mind, the next step will be to follow a series of instructions to achieve effective care. However, it is also important to remember that the specialist in charge of the microblading has a certain responsibility, so it is necessary for the professional behind the treatment to establish the steps to follow according to the consolidation of the pigment. In our Elite Look tattoo salon, the treatment is carried out by a technical professional with training in fine arts, which will take maximum care of the aesthetic part of it, but in turn, this professional is supervised by medical personnel so that all standards are met. Hygiene and health during the semi permanent eyebrow makeup treatment, to obtain the maximum result with a natural appearance.
What is eyebrow microblading?
Microblading is a non-invasive beauty treatment that consists of filling in the eyebrows hair by hair from the roots of the natural eyebrows. This eyebrow beautification technique allows you to improve your appearance and show off a much more intense and natural look.
But, despite being a non-invasive procedure, microblading requires pre and post treatment care , since hygiene habits determine the effectiveness of the technique.
The post microblanding care also affect more in its effectiveness because the way the skin heal depends on the attention we give to the area.
At this point it is worth mentioning the responsibility of the specialist or the clinic, you should always seek to perform the eyebrow design treatment in places of total confidence and that are supervised by health professionals, since the consolidation of the pigment can vary in patient function. However, in general terms, the pigmentation period lasts about 7 or 10 days after the treatment in question.
This period of time determines to a lesser or greater extent the fixation of the pigment on the eyebrow. This is why it is important to treat the area with caution so that the final result is not affected.
Recommendations before Microblading treatment
While the process after microblading is key, the attention we give to our health before carrying out the treatment is also crucial.
In fact, by the nature of the technique, experts recommend:
Do not consume alcohol, coffee or drinks containing caffeine and other stimulants within 12 hours before treatment.
Do not exercise one day before treatment.
Do not expose yourself to the sun 15 days prior to treatment.
Avoid exfoliating treatments like microdermabrasion.
Avoid applying products like Botox, AHA and retinoids.
Do not make up or pluck the eyebrows for several days before applying the treatment.
Inform the specialist about your general health. If you suffer from type 1 and 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid or any serious illness, you must present a report issued by your doctor authorising it to be carried out.
Microblading: The Step-by-Step Process
First, the professional will measure the eyebrows to define the design based on our facial features and the natural shape of the eyebrow.
Once the reference measurements are determined, the eyebrow model is drawn with a pencil. This allows us to visualise the design before applying the treatment.
Once this is done, the next step will be to choose the color of the pigment. The selection will depend on the natural color of the skin, eyes and hair. In this way, it is important to know that, after application, it is normal for the tone to be a little darker at first.
Then a topical anesthesia is applied and left to rest for about half an hour.
The specialist will design the eyebrow and fill the spaces hair by hair, making superficial cuts to deposit the new pigment. If a tebori-type pen is used for this, the process can be divided into two phases. But, in short, the brow is covered with color to allow absorption of the pigment and then the area is simply cleaned.
At the end of the process, the specialist will apply a medical silicone to cover the skin for the next 24 hours. At this point, he will also indicate the post-treatment care for the correct healing of the area.
After healing, a touch-up is often recommended to finish refining the design.

Care after microblading eyebrow tattoo
To begin with, it is important to respect the professional’s considerations. Likewise, it is relevant to remember that after the treatment the eyebrows will go through several stages before reaching the final result.
The recovery stage lasts about four weeks. Recovery is not painful, but it is essential to take certain precautions to avoid complications in the medium term.
Wipe with swabs: Two hours after treatment , it is recommended to apply a swab dipped in sterile water to clean excess tint on the eyebrows. A technique that will help keep the area sterile.
Schedule cleaning: You can clean the area twice a day with cotton wool and cooled boiled water. Do not use your fingers in any way. Always remember to use cotton.
Hydrate your skin: Keep your skin properly hydrated to optimize the healing process. Although a large amount of cream is not necessary, the moderate use of it will help in the healing of the eyebrow without destroying it.
In turn, water-based formulas may be necessary to restore the skin’s moisture balance, while increasing the chances of healing.
Keep your eyebrows dry: Although hydrating your skin is important, it is also essential to keep your eyebrows dry. This is recommended because excess water can replace the pigment.
Therefore, it is recommended to avoid visiting saunas, swimming pools and steam rooms for at least 10 days approximately. Regular grooming must be done with care not to directly wet the eyebrows , and in turn it is advisable to shower under a temperature lower than 30ºC.
Do not touch or scratch: After treatment it is usual to feel itchy in the area. Although this is completely normal, it is important to avoid touching or scratching the area in question so as not to cause infections in the short and medium term.
Avoid makeup: Avoid wearing makeup until the healing process has been successfully completed.
Avoid the sun: Protect yourself from UV rays.
Do not interfere with the healing process: We must not remove scabs in any way. Keep in mind that dry areas are part of the healing process and removing a scab would cause permanent scarring.
Frequent doubts about microblading
How long does a microblading session normally last?
In our clinic located in Perth, the average for a Microblading treatment session lasts approximately between an hour and a half and two hours.
Is microblading painful?
Some discomfort is normal, but a topical anesthetic is used for treatment, which reduces pain considerably.
When can I bathe normally?
After 7 to 10 days.
What are the contraindications of microblading?
Not suitable for pregnant women, people with diabetes, circulatory disorders, keloid tendencies, local infection, etc.
When should we do the retouching?
After 4 to 6 weeks of treatment and according to professional criteria, it is possible to make minimal touch-ups on the area.
How long does microblading last?
Usually the technique lasts about 1 and a half years. However, everything will depend on the habits of the patient and the type of skin that he has.
One year after microblading
One year after microblading, the results are quite positive. Most of the patients notice the eyebrows much fuller and with a pigmentation according to the facial features.
The idea is to apply the technique only in areas where there is a lack of hair. In this way, the results will be optimal. In addition, a professional microblading avoids having to resort to makeup and reduces hair removal sessions significantly.
Without a doubt, it is a non-invasive treatment that can make a difference. However, it is essential that the technique is applied by a professional expert in the field to avoid complications in the short and medium term.
For more information and specialised attention, do not forget to contact us. We offer natural and organic pre- and post-treatment techniques to heal and prolong the color of your eyebrows.
Contact us!
Questions you asked about microblading eyebrow tattoo aftercare
Mercedes fernanddx Dec. 29, 2020, 10:05 p.m.
Hello, I did the microblading and I already went seven days ago x the touch-up right now I get a soft scab it will be normal, and they did not tell me that I could not wet the area in the same way I have not washed my face as usual until when I continue to put terramycin or I can stop putting it on
Hello Mercedes:
From our experience, the appearance of a soft scab is common. Likewise, if you have any questions, we recommend contacting the technician who performed the treatment.
Yvon May 9, 2021 at 4:15 PM
Hello, eight days ago I did the microblading, my question is if I can wet my eyebrows normally
Hi Yvon!
We recommend that you keep the area dry as much as possible until the healing process has finished. This can take up to 15 days depending on the person
rosary beads on Jun 20, 2021 at 04:38
Hello, good evening, a consultation last year I performed a microblanding and the pigment fell off with the scab, thinking that they had done a bad job on me. This year in March I went back to perform another microblanding in another aesthetic and the same thing happened to me, I did not have any pigment. At the beginning of June I have undergone the same treatment in another aesthetic and the same thing is happening to me, the pigment is falling off and I have always followed the post-treatment steps. Please, I would like to know some advice that is what you would recommend me please.
Hello Rosario, it is possible that your skin is not suitable for the treatment. In oily skin, for example, microblading is not recommended at all since it tends to spit out the pigment during healing.
Diana on Sep 2, 2021 at 06:57
Hello, it has been 5 days since me. I do the microblading, I would like to know if I can return to the Gim? (I’m very desperate) someone me. Can you advise on whether I can or do I have to wait more?
Hello Diana, it is not advisable to perform activities that make us sweat excessively during the healing process of the eyebrow, I would recommend avoiding it for at least two weeks after performing the treatment.
Please visit our eyebrow tattoo page for more information.
Natalia Bello on Jan 22, 2021 at 6:36 PM
Very good days,
I would like to know if I have to take the same care for the retouch as the first time? Question should I clean my area three times a day? is it all the same?
Thank you very much I stay tuned
Hello Natalia:
Both the initial session and the touch-up session create small incisions in the skin, so they must be cared for later in the same way.
Rebeca on April 8, 2021 at 00:07
I did the microblanding 7 days ago and I would like to know how long I have to wait to go to the swimming pool.
Good morning Rebecca!
Depending on the way you heal, between 7 and 15 days, when the scab has completely fallen off.
VALENTINA SABIO BONILLA on April 12, 2021 at 11:18 PM
I wanted to ask if it is normal for eyebrow hair to fall out when I clean it
Good Valentina!
Depending on the person, some hairs may fall out, but it may be the natural process of shedding.
If you observe an abnormal process, I recommend consulting a professional technician
Read May 27, 2021 at 11:55 PM
Hello, I just did the retouch, and I would like to know what creams I can use to hydrate my eyebrows, the first time I used the blue snow
Hi Lea, we normally recommend the cream «Tattoomed PMU»
Alicia on Apr 17, 2021 at 2:32 PM
Hello, I did it 5 days ago and I am erasing certain parts and leaving bald spots. I have the retouch in a month and I give myself a cream that the professional sent me. It is normal? Do you advise me to do something?
Good morning Alicia!
It is normal that during the healing process it gives us that impression. Continue with care during this time and within a week you should see full results. If there are still areas that are not completely to your liking, you can tell your professional microblading technician to correct this to your liking during the touch-up session.
Ana on Jun 3, 2021 at 5:51 PM
Excuse me Alicia: I had the microblading done 5 days ago and the same thing is happening to me as you are, it looks like all the pigmentation fell off and you only see the scholars without dye.
Mirtha Guerrero on Feb 8, 2021 at 4:16 PM
I can do the touch-up after 10 days or I must wait
Good morning Mirtha. 🙂
For the touch-up session, you must wait at least 1 month to make sure that the skin has completely healed and to be able to see what the result of the first session has been. In this way we can see if the technique and color used are suitable for your skin type.
Isabella on Sep 23, 2021 at 10:56 a.m.
Hello good night, I had the microblading retouch 6 days ago and I still do not see a scab formed, in the first session the scab formed after 2 days, will it be normal that I still do not have a scab?
Hi Isabella!
Many factors determine our healing process, such as the menstrual cycle or the skin being better hydrated than the previous time.
Therefore, do not worry if the healing is faster than the last time.
Carla May 4, 2021 at 12:14 p.m.
Hello, I wanted to ask you a question the first time I did microblading, the care for the next 7 days was to clean my eyebrows with a damp gauze and apply an antibiotic cream and they never crusted or dried and everything was fine.
Now two years later, I had them done with someone else and they told me that I did not touch them or wet them or put any cream on them for up to 10 days and I did so and they formed some hard scabs so after 10 days I washed and I dried gently and all the pigment came out, all my hair was erased by hair and I look at myself and it is as if I had not done anything and I sent photos to the person who took them and told me that that was normal and that In the retouching I fixed it but since I have the previous experience and the works that I have always seen, it is that the retouch is to retouch minute things not that they practically return it to draw hair by hair .. is that right?
Hi Carla!
In our opinion, the correct method of proceeding is by cleaning and moisturizing the eyebrows so that in the retouching to fix the small details that could be half.
Johanna on May 18, 2021 at 00:14
Why it should not be molar with water. It is because of the pigment or to avoid infections.
Hi Johanna, you shouldn’t get wet for both reasons. Overhydration of the area during the healing process can facilitate the loss of pigment and the appearance of infections
Maria Jose on Jul 31, 2021 at 6:38 PM
Hello everyone,
what cream should I use after microblading
They told me not to touch not to wet and today it has been 7 days since I had the treatment and I have not touched or cleaned what can happen I have some scabs that I do
Hello Mirtha:
The eyebrows should not be touched and situations where they get very wet such as exercising, swimming, going to saunas, etc. should be avoided to avoid infections during the healing period, although they should be cleaned and then dried daily by the same reason. In addition, they must be kept properly hydrated to avoid the appearance of scabs.
In order to assess your case and know if the scabs are due to a natural process or not, you should go to an appointment with a professional microblading technician as soon as possible.
Berenice on Sep 20, 2021 at 9:05 PM
Good afternoon, I did the mixed technique and in the recommendations it is to clean with mineral water and dry with a towel without rubbing but I see that the hair is erasing but the shading is clear but it is visible
Ara March 3, 2021 at 4:34 PM
After how many days can I touch the area with my hand to apply a day cream to my entire face?
Mariela March 8, 2021 at 11:15 AM
Good morning Ara!
If the healing process is carried out correctly, after a week you could use your usual treatments, especially sunscreen and avoiding chemical peels
Katherine on May 29, 2021 at 02:04
Hello I made the microwave 10 days ago it will be and I asked him if I could wet he told me if I washed with glycerin soap and made a cream … I told him why others recommend not to wet he told me it is a wound that needs cleaning that does not do case …. I feel that the tone is low and it had no color, is it normal ????
Katherine on May 29, 2021 at 02:04
microblanding I meant hehe
Veronica on March 4, 2021 at 8:51 p.m.
I don’t know much about this topic… .but I have the doubt if with this technique… .it is no longer necessary to wax or waxing will be normal
Mariela on March 8, 2021 at 11:24 a.m.
Good morning Veronica!
Eyebrow waxing after microblading would be normal, cleaning only the areas where the treatment has not been applied to have the eyebrows as clear as possible
Andrea on Mar 10, 2021 at 12:21 a.m.
Hi! I did the microblading 7 days ago, I do not have or have had scabs or anything like that, everything has been super normal. Can I now wet them and apply makeup? I just have no idea when I can do it. Thanks!
Pam Gomez Microblading
Pam Gomez Microblading March 10, 2021 at 4:30 PM
Good afternoon Andrea!
If you have already finished the healing process, you can apply makeup normally, although I personally recommend that you always use sunscreen to maintain the treatment for as long as possible.
Maria on March 18, 2021 at 1:51 PM
Good Morning!
I had the microblading done 7 days ago and I have scabs all over my eyebrow. I sent the photo to the technician and he told me that more had been done but not to worry that he would continue with the care and that in a month we would see the result again and we would do a second session.
Scabbing all over your eyebrow, is it normal?
They are falling off by themselves (the scabs) and my eyebrow is in sections, we are fatal.
There are people who heal better and others worse … I really have to wait …
I’m going a little lost, help me!
Hello Maria!
Indeed, each person is a different world and heals in a different way, but do not worry, for this there is the retouching session with which we professionals adapt to how your skin reacts to the treatment.
On the other hand, keep in mind that microblading consists of making several incisions in the skin that result in small cuts along the eyebrow. That is why it is normal for scabs to appear as in any other type of wound on the body, so stay calm
Imma May 22, 2021 at 11:17 a.m.
Hello, I did the microblading 7 days ago, I put cream for the tattoos in the morning and at night I had a lot of scabs and they told me that I had to wash them with soap and water and just the same day that I washed them they took off all of me the ink is only my hair is that normal?
Victory on Jul 1, 2021 at 5:28 PM
Good morning, I had the microblading done 3 days ago and I have a little swelling around my eyebrows. It is normal?
Good morning, victory!
Sometimes a little inflammation may occur depending on the patient and their skin type, although in any case I always recommend raising these doubts with your professional microblading technician in order to assess your case more accurately.
Veronica on Aug 25, 2021 at 6:14 PM
Good afternoon I did the microblanding today I am 10 days old and my eyebrows are scabbed and falling, some areas have fallen off the pigment and almost all my eyebrows seem only painted, I do not see the hair by hair I do not know if it is because of the cream that I am applying Since the moment I did the microblanding if I saw the result hair by hair, at which moment I can visualize the final result and yes, and can I bathe or clean my eyebrows with water?
Berenice on Sep 20, 2021 at 9:12 PM
The same thing happens to me, I only see a shadow in the parts that the seam has fallen but nothing of the hair to pwlo
Lilybeth on Mar 14, 2021 at 6:49 PM
Hello, I see that they put a lot that we should use sunscreen, 🧴use it normal on the whole face or put sunscreen directly on the eyebrows?
Hi Lilybeth!
The sunscreen should be applied to the entire face so that the rest of the face is also protected.
Read on May 28, 2021 at 12:01 a.m.
This of the blocker is when it is going to come out or how it is used
It is used like any sunscreen, before going out to protect from the sun.
Annelliet on Apr 13, 2021 at 03:58
Good evening, I have done the compact eyebrow technique, but it was never clear to me what effect I will get after healing. I don’t know if I have to cleanse and hydrate 2 or 3 times a day.
Thank you and nice evening
Hello Annelliet!
The effect you leave compact is as if your eyebrow was powdered with makeup.
Cleaning the eyebrows should be 2 times a day as well as hydration, although if you notice a dry eyebrow, I recommend hydrating the area as many times as necessary.
cindy flores
cindy flores on Jul 22, 2021 at 05:23
Carmen on March 20, 2021 at 03:02
Hello tomorrow I have 7 days I have not had scabs everything normal I can wash my hair and wet my eyebrows
Good afternoon Carmen,
From the seventh day you could wet your eyebrows as long as they are completely healed, but this time depends on each patient!
Gabriela on April 8, 2021 at 04:31
Good afternoon, I understand that you should not get your eyebrow wet, so how do you wash it or just keep it dry, don’t get wet for the first few days, just keep it hydrated and in the same way, not too much lotion, I would like to understand that point. today
The eyebrow must be kept dry avoiding situations that make it sweat a lot (such as going to the gym) or where it is in contact with water for a long time (such as in a swimming pool).
The punctual washing of the eyebrow does not count as having it wet!
Wendy March 13, 2021 at 10:14 PM
Hello, good night, 10 days have passed since I did microblading and I would like to know if I can go to train now
Hi Wendy!
Of course, after the first week after the treatment you can go to training.
Talina on Jul 14, 2021 at 05:55
Hello, I just had the microblading done 2 hours ago, they told me that I should wash my eyebrow with neutral soap 2 times a day and moisturize with bepanthen but I had heard that this ointment is not good for microblading, which they recommend that I use to hydrate it ?
Hi Talina!
Each teacher has his own booklet, therefore the preferences when recommending a cream usually vary depending on the technician.
We specifically prefer to work with the «Tattoomed PMU» line.
Lilybeth on March 26, 2021 at 03:22
Good evening, after two weeks of rest from mocroblanding we can use serums and retinol?
Hello, I did the Microblading today, I like the shapes but I feel that they are 1 mm thicker than they should and darker, this hardens my features and I do not just like how I look. It is normal? Then clarify? As for the thickness what can I do about it? Greetings
Good morning Camila!
Treatment usually clears 20-30% when fully healed. So you can stay calm when it comes to the color issue.
On the other hand, by lightening the tone of the eyebrows, the effect will be more subtle and you may not see them as thick as you think. 😊
Anything, discuss these doubts with your microblading technician during the retouching session to obtain the result you want!
Rain Vale zueka on Apr 12, 2021 at 03:43
I performed a hybrid micro-microblandig effect, in my perspective they look very thick and even is my 2nd day of treatment. Question. 1. Do you get thinner as the days go by? 2. Can you make modifications in retouching? 3. After time passes and the microblandig is completely erased?
Good morning rain,
1 / It is possible that the thickness of the eyebrow is greater due to a small inflammation or because we are not used to the new look.
2 / During the retouching session you can make changes to the color and design.
3 / Microblading usually disappears between 1 and 2 years depending on the person.
Thelma May 12, 2021 at 8:23 PM
Hello good afternoon, I did the microblading 6 days ago, I still have scab, I can go back to training 🏋️♂️Or do I have to wait for the whole scab to fall off?
Hi Thelma!
We recommend that you wait for the healing process to finish so that the scab does not lift prematurely. If this happens, it is possible that some of the treatment pigment will fall off with it.
Rule on April 9, 2021 at 04:08
Hello, 3 weeks ago I did microblading, tomorrow I will have a minor surgery on one eye, I am worried that I will not be able to do the retouching, what happens if it takes more than 6 weeks to do it? Or will it be possible to do it 3 weeks after surgery? (It would be 6 weeks from the first session) Thanks
Hi Norma.
There should be no problem to do the retouch later. In any case, consult your professional microblading technician about your doubts.
Monica April 23, 2021 at 6:15 PM
Hello there!!
I just had the microblading done and they told me that I can’t wet my eyebrow, or put anything on to hydrate.
Is this right?
Hello Monica!
For the healing process it is necessary to treat the treatment as if it were a wound to avoid infection.
We recommend washing twice a day and applying a thin layer of moisturizer to prevent the area from drying out and for the final result to be the best possible.
Cecilia May 18, 2021 at 6:19 PM
Hello, yesterday I had the microblading done, but in 1 month I will go to the beach … The professional who did the work told me that the retouch can be done after 20 days if my skin healed well, my question is can be done at the 20 days the retouch? And if so, I would have 10 days free for healing after those 10 days, will I be able to enjoy the beach properly? Sun, sea pools …
Hello Cecilia,
Although it is true that the retouching could be hurried 21 days after the treatment has been performed, I do not recommend doing it if after 10 days you want to go to the beach
Johana on Apr 27, 2021 at 8:14 PM
You can wash your face without any problem, just like washing your hair, I see that you comment a lot that the eyebrows should not be wet.
Good Johana!
Eyebrows can be washed but should not be exposed to water for a long time during the healing process. (As can happen when bathing in a pool, or sweating a lot in the gym)
Hello, I did a microshadin and they feel very dark as I can lighten them, thanks
Martha Martinez on Apr 28, 2021 at 10:29 AM
Hello, I have already performed the microblanding twice and I was delighted, I made an appointment for a third time, 5 months had already passed and they did a microshaiding (I did not like it) because supposedly I could not do the microblanding again, it should be emphasized that He did not mention that before, is it true there is a limit of procedures that can be performed ???
Hello, Martha!
After a certain number of procedures and depending on the type of skin, it is possible that the lines could not be as well drawn as initially, and therefore microshading is recommended. But this comes from the person
Geraldin on Jul 30, 2021 at 05:41
The specialist who treated me said that there are permanent scars and for that reason the pigment is not grasped again, that is why they recommend the other procedure, but nothing looks as beautiful and natural as hair by hair
Pepi May 13, 2021 at 10:14 PM
I had the Microblading done two days ago and I have an appointment for a facial radiofrequency in six days. Would it be advisable to postpone it ????
Hi! As long as the therapist does not go through the area of the eyebrows, there would be no problem
Please visit our eyebrow tattoo page for more information.
Marci on Aug 26, 2021 at 10:06 a.m.
Hello, I do not like the microbland sejas, I want to remove them, what do I do?
Good morning, I recommend you go to a center specialized in elimination of microblading to consider your options
Maria Paula on May 14, 2021 at 00:33
Last Sunday I did the microblading, they told me that I could not drink alcohol for 7-10 days, why is that?
Maria Paula on May 14, 2021 at 00:33
Last Sunday I did the microblading, they told me that I could not drink alcohol for 7-10 days, why is that?
Bertha Hernandez June 5, 2021 at 6:22 a.m.
Hello, excuse me, it’s been six days since I made a Microbladin and it is falling like a little sheet of paper on my eyebrow and if I let it fall completely, nothing is visible, it is normal, it is as if they had only put a sticker on me and when I fell, the work was finished and it is falling in parts, is it normal? Thanks
Amanda on Jun 27, 2021 at 11:03 a.m.
Hello, I did microblading 5 days ago, on the third day my eyebrows started to smell bad, they told me that it could be an infection process and they recommended crystalline and that for 3 days I should not hydrate the area and let it dry, I no longer give off smell and are quite dry, what care do you advise me? The first days they told me not to wash my eyebrows, and I applied the cream every 1 hour that my specialist sent me, that made them too hydrated and I think it could cause the infection. Is it normal?
Now I feel itchy all the time, I imagine this is part of the healing process.
Hello Amanda,
The case you are referring to should be followed and treated by a dermatologist.
Your skin may have reacted to the pigment or the procedure may not have been done correctly. Anyway, our recommendation is to go to an appointment with your dermatologist.
Geraldin on Jul 30, 2021 at 05:37
Hello, I made my eyebrows 1 day ago I read each of the comments, I just hope they are beautiful, I wait years to do them, they sent me to wash with neutral soap and put beducen three times a day.
Annais on Jun 13, 2021 at 01:32
I did a microblading which cream should I use
Good afternoon Annais!
We recommend «Tattoomed PMU»
Elizabeth on Jul 31, 2021 at 7:28 PM
Hello, I did the microblanding 5 days ago and today while I was applying the ointment the scab was falling off leaving some holes that in my opinion look very ugly. It is normal? Or the fact that the scab has fallen off like this is wrong
Paola on Aug 15, 2021 at 4:56 PM
Hello, I have a question. I just did the microblanding and I would like to know if sleeping on the side affects my eyebrow.
Hello paola!
It does not affect at all
MILEIDIS on Aug 25, 2021 at 6:52 PM
Hello, I did my eyebrows on Monday, I shouldn’t wash my face, that is, the part of the eyebrows for how many days?
Chaveli on Aug 27, 2021 at 10:56 PM
Hi, I’m worried because I notice that my eyebrows have cleared up, I did the microblanding 6 days ago, and I bleed a lot, I don’t know if that makes any difference. ??
I have not scabbed either, only a thin capita and my eyebrows itch
Marcela Diaz on Aug 29, 2021 at 8:53 PM
Hello, I did the microblanding, in the retouch, I got a purple on my eyelid. What should be done?
Good morning Marcela,
The purple should not influence the healing process of the microblading. To speed up its disappearance, I recommend performing lymphatic drainage in the eye area.
Alexandra on Aug 30, 2021 at 4:59 PM
Hello, 2 weeks ago I did microblading from day 3 I began to notice that the natural hairs of my eyebrows were falling, I did not have inflammation or infections, nothing all normal but I am super worried because my hairs continue to fall, is it normal? Until when will they fall? are all my hairs going to fall out? I hope you can answer thank you
Mayerlin September 7, 2021 at 11:47 PM
Hello Rosario, it is possible that your skin is very oily and that is why it does not retain pigments, in your case Microblandig is not recommended, but other types of techniques. Also make sure they use good quality pigments.
Tatiana Vega placeholder image
Tatiana Vega placeholder image on Sep 9, 2021 at 01:18
I had the microblading done 3 days ago all normal but I have a problem I have a trip to the beach in 10 days is it recommended?
Hi Tatiana!
I would not recommend going to the beach until 21 days after the treatment, at which point the skin should be completely healed. In any case, if you decide to go, I recommend equipping you with a cap or hat that protects you from the sun, avoid wetting your eyebrows in seawater and keep the area dry and clean.
Fania on Sept. 21, 2021 at 4:01 p.m.
Hello, I did microblading but on the second day some parts look very clear to me, like a brown tone without hair, is it normal?
MARISELA LOPEZ on Sept. 21, 2021 at 7:03 p.m.
Hello, I did the microblading procedure and after 3 days it was already lighter in parts, I was left with a very light color and as if without hair, is it normal? how long should you take care of the sun?
Please visit our Facebook page for more information and pictures about eyebrow tattoo