How tobacco influences cosmetic lip tattoo
In today’s post I am going to talk about how tobacco has a negative influence when we perform lip tattoo. Why in smokers the color turns on worse, it takes longer to heal.
As we well know, tobacco has very negative effects not only lip tattoo but on our health,, among them is the ageing of the skin, and the alteration in the healing of wounds.
Effects of tobacco on the skin:
The alterations that tobacco causes in the skin are premature wrinkles, dehydration, yellowish spots on the fingers, alteration of the color of the skin due to lack of oxygenation, body odor of tobacco, alterations in oral aesthetics and cancer, and difficulty in healing of the wounds.
Wrinkles are due to the fact that tobacco causes vitamin A levels to decrease, which produces changes in the quantity and quality of collagen and elastin.
Smokers’ wrinkles are narrower, deeper and have well-defined contours.
Tobacco also causes dehydration of the skin, leaving it rough, brittle and inflexible. We need the skin to be well hydrated when we perform this type of treatment, the dehydration of the skin causes the results to be not as expected.
In addition, the low oxygenation of the cells must be added (smoking causes the blood to carry a lower concentration of oxygen, because the carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke competes with the oxygen carried by haemoglobin, which will have to transport oxygen and carbon monoxide). carbon instead of only oxygen) and makes the skin acquire a pallor close to grayish yellow (with regard to pigmentation, the pigment would also be modified, since as I have commented in previous posts, the color of the skin is fundamental when pigmenting, because the pigment interacts, among others, with the melanin of the skin)
Tobacco also interferes with wound healing, since tobacco smoke reduces oxygenation of the tissues. When a lip tattoo is done, a wound is generated, and that wound has to heal, if not enough oxygen arrives (and in this case the oxygen concentration in the blood of smokers is decreased) and nutrients, it will heal worse.
Snuff smoke
Tobacco smoke is a complex mixture of chemicals such as carbon monoxide, tar, formaldehyde, cyanide, and ammonia, many of which are known carcinogens. Carbon monoxide increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. Tar exposes the user to an increased risk of lung cancer, emphysema, and bronchial disorders.
What is nicotine?
Nicotine is a substance that is extracted from tobacco leaves and can also be produced synthetically; It is a toxic drug that in small doses produces euphoria, decreased appetite, etc., and that in high doses can cause serious poisoning.
The nicotine in tobacco can be addictive like alcohol, cocaine, and morphine.
Nicotine causes a decrease in peripheral circulation and, in addition, carbon monoxide in smoke competes with oxygen for hemoglobin, which decreases the amount of oxygen that reaches the peripheral tissues.
Other effects of nicotine, and in this case, in women, is that it causes a reduction in estrogens, which makes it easier for the skin to become drier and even for more body hair to appear.
As a curiosity, female skin is more affected by tobacco than men’s, since it is much more delicate and fine. I make this mention, since it is women who most undergo lip tattoo treatments.
Therefore, to obtain good results in a lip tattoo treatment, a hydrated skin, a whole skin, and oxygenated is essential, since in the process a wound will be produced and all the factors that hinder the healing of the wound will cause the results treatment are not optimal.
I hope that this information has been useful to you, whether you are going to perform a lip tattoo, or if you are a professional lip blush tattoo, because the results of a lip tattoo treatment do not depend only on the pigment applied, but many factors contribute to reach a final result, and as you have seen in this post, there are many unwanted effects that can arise in smokers.