How does cosmetic tattoo make life easier?

Is cosmetic tattooing a fashionable beauty trend that will soon disappear from our faces and be forgotten?
Or a modern magic wand, the quality of which is growing day by day?
Lip tattoo
what can be done with lip tattoo?
– correct the form;
– to give the lips additional volume due to the shape and technique;
eliminate small asymmetries (large ones can be eliminated only with injections);
make lips more proportional;
to mask skin defects (scars, Fordyce granules, uneven pigmentation after herpes);
smooth out irregularities along the contour;
correct the natural skin tone of the lips;
restore lip pigmentation;
to mask the cold shade of the lips (make the bluish lips a cleaner, more pleasant colour);
add juiciness and colour.
Eyebrow tattoo
what can be done with eyebrow tattoo?
Make eyebrows more expressive;
correct the natural shape,
to improve the proportions of the face due to the shape;
fill in the gaps and visually add density;
eliminate asymmetry;
to mask skin defects; skin defects;
Simulate your eyebrows with uneven growth or alopecia.
what can be done with eyelid tattoo
add expressiveness to the eyes;
visually add density to eyelashes;
correct the natural shape;
improve the proportions of the face (move close-set eyes apart);