Aftercare tips after eyeliner tattoo
Eyeliner tattooing is a popular permanent makeup technique that enhances the beauty of the eyes. However, aftercare is crucial to ensure that the pigment embeds evenly and the color lasts for a long time. In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps to take care of your eyeliner tattoo after the procedure.
Step 1: Protect the Skin from UV Radiation
The skin of the eyeliner tattoo becomes very vulnerable after the procedure, and exposure to the sun can cause burns and pigmentation. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid direct sunlight and wear sunglasses with UV filters. Also, apply sunscreen on the tattooed area before going outside.
Step 2: Cleanse Gently
For the first few days after the procedure, do not wash your face or use any cosmetics on the tattooed area. Instead, use a mild cleanser like micellar water, tonic, or lotion to cleanse the skin gently. Avoid rubbing or touching the skin with your hands.
Step 3: Use Antibacterial Agents
Immediately after the procedure, a clear fluid called ichor may appear on the skin. You can blot it gently with a cotton pad dipped in chlorhexidine, an antibacterial agent that relieves inflammation and pain. Use it every two hours for the first day after the procedure.
Step 4: Manage Swelling
It is common to experience swelling and redness for the first day after the procedure. To reduce the swelling, apply a dry cold compress to the tattooed area. Also, avoid drinking too much water to prevent severe swelling.
Step 5: Post-Crust Care
After a few days, slight peeling may appear on the tattooed area. Do not pick or scratch the crusts as it may delay the healing process and cause the pigment to come out with the lymph. Instead, continue cleaning the site with chlorhexidine for a week to prevent infection.
Step 6: Follow Care Instructions
To ensure the pigment embeds evenly and the color lasts for a long time, it is essential to follow the care instructions provided by the tattoo artist. Refrain from doing fitness, going to the beach, pool or sauna, or using scrubs and peels for at least a month after the procedure.
Step 7: Post-Healing Care
During the regeneration period, the color of the pigment may differ from the final result. However, after a month, you can return to your usual care and lifestyle. The tattoo artist may recommend products for softening and rapid tissue regeneration.
Proper aftercare is crucial for the success of the eyeliner tattoo. By following the care instructions, you can ensure that the pigment embeds evenly, and the color lasts for a long time. Remember, the healing process takes time, and it is crucial to be patient and follow all the recommendations strictly.
Eyeliner Tattoo: Tips for Aftercare and Correction
If you’re considering getting an eyeliner tattoo, it’s important to understand that the healing process can affect the final result. To ensure that you get the best possible outcome, here are some tips on aftercare and correction.
Rule 1: Don’t Panic if the Pigment Looks Too Dark
Immediately after the procedure, the pigment may appear too saturated. However, this is normal and is due to the excess dye that is excreted with the lymph during the healing process. To achieve a natural-looking result, a little more pigment needs to be injected at the initial stage. After a month, when the skin has healed, the shade will look more natural.
Rule 2: Schedule a Correction After Four Weeks
Four weeks after your eyeliner tattoo, you should schedule a correction appointment with your master. During this appointment, the master will fill in any gaps in the pigment and correct the shape and color if necessary. This is essential to ensure that the final result is perfect.
Rule 3: Follow the Rules for Washing After Eyeliner Tattooing
In the first few days after the procedure, avoid getting water on the affected area. Water can cause swelling, infection, and pigment loss. Only wash your face after the crusts have come off, and use boiled and cooled water. After washing, gently blot the skin with soft napkins instead of wiping it with a towel.
Rule 4: Avoid Using Decorative Cosmetics and False Eyelashes for a Month
Until the skin is completely healed, avoid using makeup or false eyelashes. Removing makeup puts unnecessary pressure on the damaged area, and this can affect the final result. Extensions and lamination are also not recommended during the first month after the procedure.
Rule 5: First Correction is Essential
After the crusts have formed, gaps may appear in the drawing. This is why the first correction is necessary and must be carried out one month after the permanent make-up. Factors such as the technique used, materials, and aftercare can affect how well the pigment takes. If you’re not satisfied with the result, you can opt for laser removal or a remover. At Eyebrow Permanent Makeup studio, our professionals can help you select the perfect look and explain the advantages of each technique.
Following these tips for aftercare and correction can help you achieve the perfect eyeliner tattoo result. Remember to always consult with a professional master and follow their recommendations for the best outcome.
Factors that Affect Swelling After Eyeliner Tattoo
Several factors can influence the severity of swelling after an eyeliner tattoo. These include:
Depth and Density of Pigment Application: The deeper and denser the pigment application, the more swelling you’re likely to experience.
Type of Pain Reliever Used: The type of pain reliever used by the master can also affect swelling. Be sure to discuss any allergies or sensitivities with your master before the procedure.
Lymphatic and Circulatory Systems: The features of your lymphatic and circulatory systems can also play a role in the severity of swelling.
Recovering from Eyeliner Tattoo
To recover as quickly as possible after the procedure, it’s essential to follow all the instructions of the master. You can relieve swelling with cool compresses or, in rare cases, with antihistamines. It’s also important to avoid touching or rubbing your eyes, as this can cause further irritation.
Despite the swelling and redness that can occur after the procedure, remember that these are natural healing processes. After the swelling subsides, you may experience some slight peeling, which will disappear in a few days.
Maintaining Your Eyeliner Tattoo
Permanent makeup or eyeliner tattoos can last for many years, but to maintain the vivid color, you should make corrections about once a year. Your master can advise you on the best course of action for your specific needs.
If you’re considering permanent eyeliner tattoo, be sure to do your research and choose a reputable master. The procedure itself is relatively painless, but some swelling and redness are normal afterwards. By following the master’s instructions and taking good care of your eyes during the recovery period, you can enjoy the benefits of perfectly lined eyes for years to come.