Eyelash and Eyebrow Tinting

Eyelash and eyebrow tinting: coloring eyebrows with henna
Eyebrows can completely change the face, make its features more expressive. Graceful shape, neat hairs, natural tone are the signs of a well-groomed lady. But nature is not favourable to everyone. Many women are not satisfied with the shape of the eyebrows due to an unsuccessful combination with the oval of the face, the shape of the eyes, their density, and colour. The beautician will change the shape (horizontal, arched, with a break, house, ascending, etc.), suggest staining with a synthetic dye or henna. You can shape and colour your eyebrows in the salon or at home. It is better to make an appointment with a beautician who will recommend a good colour, shape, and carefully do the job. In Moscow, for eyebrow shaping or dyeing, sign up for VAXing beauty salons operating in different districts of the capital. To give the eyebrows the desired shade, synthetic dyes or henna are used – a natural substance obtained from the dried leaves of the Indian lawsonia bush.
How to choose the shape of the eyebrows and the shade of the dye?
Eyebrow tinting with henna (biotattoo) in the salon can be done as a separate procedure or in combination with shape correction, architecture modelling. To determine the shape that fits the oval of the face, the cut of the eyes, stencils are used. The brow master defines the desired contours and then removes excess hairs with tweezers.
The colour determines the type of woman’s appearance. Brown-haired and blondes are advised to make their eyebrows darker and brighter, contrasting with light skin. Henna colour should be 2-3 shades darker than natural. On dark skin, dark eyebrows do not always look good, especially at a respectable age. Brunettes are recommended to be coloured 1-2 tones lighter than natural.
Procedure in the cosmetic tattoo salon
Before the procedure, the cosmetologist clarifies whether there are contraindications for the procedure, whether the woman likes the colour, the shape of her eyebrows, so that she wants to change. If there is a discrepancy between the selected shape and the oval of the face, the cut of the eyes, the master suggests another, shows the photographs. Then the colour of the dye is selected.
The tattooist disinfects eyebrows and tools, corrects the shape by removing hairs, marks the boundaries of the dye application with a brow-paste (if you need to cover areas with thin hair) or applies a stencil, and then applies henna for a few minutes: you need to paint over the hairs well. After the composition has dried, the residues are removed with a cotton pad. The dyeing procedure is completed with the application of moisturizing cosmetics.
Why is it better to use natural paint?
Natural henna-based dye has a number of advantages over synthetic counterparts:
Safety – allergic reactions to henna, Basra and other natural ingredients occur much less frequently than when using synthetic dyes;
strengthening of hairs, restoration of structure, activation of growth, improvement of blood microcirculation;
the ability to choose the desired tone – from reddish brown to deep black;
high durability – the effect after staining lasts for several weeks;
the paint is not toxic, does not provoke irritation of the epidermis;
after application, the hairs acquire a healthier and shinier look;
corrects the shape of the arc, visually increases the width, masks weak, sparse hair;
affordable prices for henna.
Unlike synthetic paint, the natural composition can be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, without fear of harming the baby.
Can the procedure be done at home?
Eyebrow tinting is a simple, safe cosmetic procedure that you can do yourself at home. Before dyeing, consult a beautician about which dye to use. Stores sell dye formulations based on Iranian, Indian or colourless henna. But besides crushed lavsonia leaves, dyes also contain other components:
chrysophanol – a natural dye that expands the colour palette;
emodin and aloe-emodin – for natural shine and improved hair growth;
keratin – to restore damaged hairs, to strengthen them;
fisalenin – for antibacterial protection.
Unscrupulous manufacturers can add synthetic substances to the composition. Before buying, study the composition of the cosmetic product.
Compositions containing henna dye not only hair, but also fabrics: before the procedure, you need to change into clothes that you do not mind getting dirty or put on a protective cape on your shoulders.
Before dyeing the eyebrow, the dye is tested for allergic reactions. A small amount of the composition is applied to the wrist for 10-15 minutes. If the skin is not reddened, there is no burning sensation, itching, irritation – you can start the procedure.
For coloring you need:
container for preparing the composition (you cannot use metal dishes);
a paddle for mixing it;
fat cream;
cotton swabs to remove the dye outside the painted surface;
cotton pads for removing the remains of the composition after the expiration of the staining time.
Before you start coloring, you first need to make a shape correction. Before the procedure, the surface, tweezers and hands must be wiped with a disinfectant solution. Most of the hair is removed from the bottom of the arch to give it the desired shape. The vellus, asymmetric hairs are removed from above. Remove them in the direction of growth, with a sharp movement. You can also use thread, looping each strand of hair, or wax. It is applied in a thin layer and, after hardening, is removed with a sharp movement in the direction against hair growth. To reduce painful sensations, you can apply an ice cube before the procedure or use lidocaine (if there is no allergy).
Preparation of the mixture
To give the desired shade, basma, coffee, cocoa, saffron, pharmacy chamomile are added to the composition. To obtain:
Intense black colour, you need to mix in a 1: 2 ratio of henna and basma or coffee;
dark brown – the ingredients are mixed 1: 1;
reddish – proportion 2: 1;
chestnut shade – add 1 tablespoon of cocoa to 25 g of henna;
cold yellowish tint – replace cocoa with 2 g of saffron;
warm yellowish tint – replace cocoa with 2 tablespoons of dry chamomile inflorescences.
As they are washed out, formulations containing basma take on a copper tint. If you replace it with coffee, then after 1-2 weeks the tone will turn grayish. The mixture is diluted with water in a plastic or glass container and infused for 20 minutes. The colour of the mixture is one shade darker than the colour you want to get after dyeing.
Application of the composition
Before colouring with a decorative pencil, outline the outline of the eyebrow. The skin inside the contour must be degreased. Even a thin layer of sebum, imperceptible to the touch, prevents the penetration of dyes into the hair structure. Outside the contour, the skin is lubricated with a baby or other oily cream.
The paint on the eyebrows is applied with a brush from the inner edge to the outer edge. It is necessary not only to paint over the hairs, but to put it so much that it completely covers them and is in contact with the skin. Dyeing the skin will make the colour richer, more natural, correct the too narrow and thin shape of the eyebrows, visually make them thick. After applying the composition, remove its excess with a cotton swab that goes beyond the marked contour. Cover your eyebrows with cling film to keep the mixture warm throughout the dyeing time.
Using brow paste
If you do not want to sign up for an eyebrow tinting service at a salon and are afraid to do the tinting poorly yourself, use natural brow-pastes. In company stores, kits are sold, which include not only the dye composition, but also accessories that facilitate dyeing. The dye is applied with a special brush, which holds it well and distributes it evenly. It is convenient to mark the boundaries of the application of the colouring composition with a correcting paste. If, when applying paint, you go beyond the contour, the skin outside it will not be stained. The manufacturer gives detailed instructions on how to dilute the composition: how much water to take, what temperature, how much henna should be kept on the skin and hairs.
Removal of the composition and subsequent care
As soon as the composition containing henna dries, it must be removed with a cotton pad soaked in cosmetic oil. If cosmetic oil is not available, olive, corn, or other vegetable oils can be used. After that, the eyebrows are washed with warm water, and then a greasy cream is applied to them. The first 2-3 days after dyeing, do not wet the eyebrows with water, do not go to the sauna or swimming pool, so that the colouring pigments penetrate deeper into the hair structure and the colour is fixed.
In order to maintain a neat shape and a bright saturated colour as long as possible, after staining, regularly pluck out excess hairs with tweezers. Eyebrows after the procedure need additional protection. Use nutritional formulas containing essential oils or castor oil. Do not use exfoliators or scrubs on your brows. It is better to wash your face not with chlorinated tap water, but with mineral water.
Despite the fact that henna is a natural dye that has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin, in some cases dyeing is undesirable.
Contraindications to the procedure:
Intolerance to individual components of the formulations (henna powder, basma);
irritation, inflammation, skin rashes, damage to the skin, haematomas;
common diseases in which the body temperature rises.
Pregnancy, breastfeeding, various chronic diseases that are not accompanied by fever and an increased risk of allergic reactions are not a contraindication. You can use natural dye not only for adults, but also for adolescents.
How to wash off natural dye?
The staining result does not always meet expectations. If you don’t like the resulting colour, you can make the tone less intense. Moisten a cotton pad with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and rub the hairs until the desired shade is obtained. If there is no hydrogen peroxide, or it provokes allergic reactions, a cotton pad can be moistened with lemon juice or citric acid solution. The composition can be left for 3-5 minutes.
To reduce the intensity of the colour, you can wash your eyebrows several times with warm water and soap, lubricating them after washing with a fat cream.