Eyebrow Tattoo: Advantages and Disadvantages of Eyebrow tattoos

Eyebrows come in all kinds of sizes and shapes, we can see eyebrows thicker than others and some with thicker hairs than in other people, but regardless of shape or size, eyebrows are one of the main features that define the appearance. general of our face, so highlighting them and helping them frame our face in a harmonious way is vital to see ourselves better.
Keeping our eyebrows perfect for most women requires waxing to give the eyebrows a better shape or remove excessive hair and then the necessary tools to make up your eyebrows in the perfect way, however there are people who are born with very eyebrows. Light and thin, that even with makeup on the eyebrows, they cannot give the face the harmony it needs.
And although makeup helps a lot, sometimes we can see ourselves with the inconvenience that we have little time to put on makeup, we have to go to the gym to swim and then we go out with the makeup smeared and without eyebrows … for cases such as the permanent makeup technique. eyebrow tattoo or eyebrow tattooing.
What is eyebrow tattoo?
As we already know, tattoos on any part of the body are permanent so an eyebrow tattoo would not be the exception, although eyebrow tattooing is rather the cosmetic micro pigmentation that is done right in the eyebrow area to be able to give the effect of having perfectly made-up eyebrows, thus saving us the inconvenience of putting on make-up on a daily basis.
Although for many people thinking about performing this type of procedure can be something very exaggerated, it is the ideal technique for those people who have almost no eyebrows or who in their youth did have but over the years, their eyebrows have gone losing its strength, its color and its thickness.
Although the technique is known as “permanent eyebrow makeup”, this type of makeup is not completely permanent in many cases, for some people it may be necessary a touch-up perhaps two years, all depending on the technique that the professional uses.
Take into account that if you undergo this beauty treatment you should look for an aesthetic center and not a place where they do tattoos , BEWARE! Do not let yourself go just because you hear the word “tattoo” in the phrase, since an eyebrow tattoo should be done by a professional who shapes the makeup in the way that most benefits the shape of your face, otherwise you could have unpleasant results.
Procedure to have tattooed eyebrows
After having informed yourself well about the clinic where you will perform the procedure and its professionals, the appointment where you will get the tattoo will have arrived.
The manager will start by making a pattern that goes according to the type of face you have and the type of eyebrow that you would like to have, he will make a small butt in a light color and after this he will show it to you to see if you approve it.
If you have approved it, then the real design phase will begin, which can last approximately one or two hours depending on the person in charge and the type of technique that is being used.
During the procedure the pigment will enter the upper layer of your skin to color and shape your eyebrow, the process is not that complicated, although for many people it can be a bit painful.
Being a slightly uncomfortable process, you may experience redness in the area, as well as a little inflammation.
If you are very scared, you can ask before doing the procedure if the doctor usually uses some type of local anesthesia to perform the eyebrow tattoo or not. There will be people who do use anesthesia in their patients and others who do not, so it is best that you find out well.
You will notice that just after the tattoo the eyebrows will look quite dark, but do not worry since in an average of two weeks your eyebrows will heal and the eyebrow color you chose will be more visible.
Benefits of having tattooed eyebrows
There are many benefits of this incredible technique and that is why more and more women are joining this beauty trend, among the benefits we can find the following:
1. It will save you a lot of time
The eyebrows will be one less concern when it comes to putting on makeup in the morning, it doesn’t matter if you got up late and you don’t feel like putting on makeup, you can go and apply a quick makeup without touching your eyebrows because they will already be perfect.
2. It will make your eyebrows more noticeable
If you are one of those who do not make up their eyebrows, but you have very thin and sparse eyebrows that are hardly noticeable, then this may be your solution.
3. It will prevent your eyebrows from erasing
Typical that you are in the gym running or in the club dancing and from sweating so much the makeup of your eyebrows is erased. What a horror! With permanent eyebrow makeup, you will not have these problems.

Disadvantages of eyebrow tattoo
Although as we have already seen there are many benefits of having permanent eyebrows, we also have to analyze some disadvantages that we could run into, especially if we do not choose our aesthetic clinic well.
1. Unexpected results
If you do not choose an aesthetic clinic that you know is recognized for its good work and you go to a place with a low reputation just because it will charge you less money, it may be that the results are not natural or they favor the shape of your face so well, such as you wanted it.
2. Will not be easily removed
Removing permanent eyebrow makeup is not easy and usually the price of this is usually double or triple what it could cost you to do it, not to mention that it is much more painful.
Price of an eyebrow tattoo
In general, prices vary depending on the technique that the professional uses, the color and thickness of the type of eyebrow that you would like to have, however currently prices can be found as follows, depending on the country:
In Mexico from $ 2,879.50134 MXN
In Colombia from $ 531,250 COP
In the United States from $ 170 USD
In Spain from € 150 EUR