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Eyebrow care that should be done after micropigmentation eyebrow tattoo

Eyebrow care that should be done after micropigmentation eyebrow tattoo Perth

Eyebrow Tattoo Perth


Eyebrow tattoo Perth care, and general micropigmentation care to keep it in optimal condition.

Today I am going to talk to you about the care that we must carry out after undergoing an eyebrow micropigmentation.

The first thing to keep in mind is that, when an eyebrow micropigmentation is performed, a wound is produced in the skin, and that wound requires care so that it does not become infected and that it heals and regenerates the skin as soon as possible. possible and in the best conditions.

General basic care will be:

Clean the wound with saline solution, and apply an ointment that favours the healing and regeneration of the skin (as always, I’m not talking about marks)

Do not scratch the area, and do not remove the scabs that appear, and let them fall off by themselves.

Avoid direct sun exposure, as the sunburns, and if it burns, it prevents that wound from healing.

While it is in the healing process, it will be necessary to avoid sweat falling on the eyebrows, avoid entering swimming pools (because in the pool water, although we see it very clean, it does not stop having bacteria and microorganisms that can enter the wound, and infect it, so it should be avoided until the wound is healed)

Keep the skin highly hydrated, and use screens or sunscreens whenever possible not only in the eyebrow area but also in the rest of the face, as one of the factors of skin aging is sun exposure.

Another aspect that we must take into account is that the pigment interacts, among others, with melanin, and needs to be stabilized. The approximate time for the color to settle is 21 days, therefore, until that minimum time has elapsed, it will not be necessary to do a review. In addition to this, it must be remembered that the wound has to heal, if, for example, it is reviewed a week after pigmentation, in addition to the color not being stable, we are still with a wound in the healing process, and repigmentation would produce more hurt still.

When the days of pigmentation have passed and the review is done, it is necessary to return to the care that was done at the beginning of healing the wound, not expose to the sun…. Etc.

From this moment, the pigmentation can last from two to four years, it all depends on the type of skin, the aggression to which the skin is subjected, the ageing of the skin, and how we take care of our skin (tobacco is a bad ally, as it decreases the oxygenation of the skin and accelerates its aging if fruits and vegetables are consumed, a balanced and healthy diet is maintained, the skin is regularly maintained with creams and moisturizing treatments….)

Little by little it will be seen that the tone of the eyebrows is decreasing, the size of the eyebrow, too, will look less thickened, it will lose shape, and even, in many cases, it will be seen that the eyebrows are taking a reddish or grayish colour. It is normal, since, with the passage of time, due to sun exposure, and the ageing of the skin, the colour deteriorates, which is why revisions after a year and a half or two years are so important, to rectify the colour, return to shape …


The deterioration of the color will also be influenced by the ageing of the skin itself.

But the deterioration of color over time can also be seen in other examples of our daily life, for example in our hair, we dye it or not, the color deteriorates and why the same will not happen in the eyebrows.

Now I am going to give you an example of something in our daily life that is losing color over time, and it is neither our skin nor our eyebrows, but a piece of furniture. The example that I am going to give you so that you understand it is the following, and we can see it in our daily lives, and it is about how the color deteriorates with the passage of time. “If you have a wooden table in a garden or on an open terrace, it is exposed to the sun, the rain, the cold, the heat…. Over time that wooden table loses its color, becomes ugly, and what do you do to repair it? You sand it and file it, clean the surface, paint it or simply recover the color with a special wood varnish, and also put a special wood treatment cream for outdoor furniture, and every so often you do this maintenance process,truth? Well, the same thing happens with your eyebrows;

Therefore, the care goes beyond that first week after pigmentation, it is a care maintained over time, where maintenance checks are also necessary and essential.

Now I’m going to tell you what your eyebrows will look like when pigmentation is done, and then I’ll put some photos for you to see the example:

The first day they will have a darker and more intense color, and will give the feeling that they are even thicker
After a week a decrease in color will be observed, the scabs will fall.
After a month the color will be settled, and it will even feel less thick (there will be a difference of 1-2 shades of color lower than the day of pigmentation) it will be at this time when the revision is carried out.
After the review, the color will again increase, after a week it will decrease and a month will stabilize, and this time, the loss of color will be less, and it will remain stable.

As a conclusion to this post:

Do not forget to carry out the care, both after the first session, and after the review.

Avoid infection, and make revisions over time to keep them in the best condition of color and shape.

Keep the skin hydrated, and avoid sun exposure, and if there is exposure, it should be with protection.

I hope this post has been useful to you, both for you who have had a micropigmentation, or for you as a professional, so that you know how to give good care and good advice to your clients.

If you want to perform an eyebrow micropigmentation, or you want to review the passage of time, in which you will have to correct color, shape … or you have a query, you can request your appointment without obligation through my email